
Crypto Payment Solutions: Transforming the Landscape of e-Commerce

Sep 21, 2023


7 min read


  • Cryptocurrencies in E-Commerce: A Decade of Disruption and Growth

  • Cryptocurrencies and E-Commerce: A Perfect Pairing

  • Navigating Cryptocurrency in E-Commerce: Cautionary Considerations

  • Selecting the Right Cryptocurrency E-Commerce Gateway: A Comprehensive Guide

  • Inqud's Approach

  • Conclusion

The realm of e-commerce has undergone a remarkable evolution over the years, driven by technological advancements and changing consumer preferences. Amid this transformative journey, the integration of cryptocurrencies as a mode of payment has emerged as a disruptive force, redefining the way transactions are conducted in the digital marketplace. In this article, we will delve into the world of crypto payment solutions, exploring their impact on e-commerce and the myriad benefits they bring to both businesses and consumers.

Cryptocurrencies in E-Commerce: A Decade of Disruption and Growth

Over the past ten years, cryptocurrencies have experienced an astonishing surge in integration across various economic sectors, and the E-Commerce industry has been quick to embrace this trend. Cryptocurrencies, as digital and decentralized forms of currency, have ushered in a novel approach to online transactions. Once dominated by traditional financial systems like credit cards and online banking, the digital payments arena is now undergoing a transformation powered by blockchain-based cryptocurrencies. According to the latest Global E-Commerce Statistics, the cumulative value of worldwide E-Commerce transactions reached an impressive $4.28 trillion in 2020. Moreover, a recent Juniper Research report forecasts an annual cryptocurrency use of over $9.8 billion in E-Commerce by 2024. Cryptocurrencies don't just provide an alternative; they come with an array of advantages that tackle the challenges of conventional payment methods, including exorbitant fees, security vulnerabilities, and complexities in cross-border transactions.

Cryptocurrencies and E-Commerce: A Perfect Pairing

The fusion of cryptocurrencies and E-Commerce is driven by the unique attributes inherent to cryptocurrencies, primarily their foundation on secure and transparent blockchain technology. As E-Commerce hinges on prompt and secure online transactions, the rise of cryptocurrencies as a preferred method is no surprise.

The Momentum of Adoption: The surging adoption of cryptocurrencies plays a pivotal role. As cryptocurrency usage expands, E-Commerce entities are incentivized to incorporate them as payment methods. Eminent players like Overstock, Newegg, and Shopify already accept cryptocurrencies as valid payments.

Security Reinforced by Blockchain: Cryptocurrencies offer an extra layer of security through their reliance on blockchain technology. Blockchain's immutable nature ensures tamper-proof transaction records, a pivotal feature to counter fraud and chargeback concerns. A study by the University of Cambridge unveiled that 53% of online retailers view fraudulent transactions as a significant challenge.

Reduced Transaction Expenses: Traditional payment processors often charge substantial fees for transaction processing. Cryptocurrencies cut out intermediaries, translating to significantly lower transaction costs. This is especially advantageous for small E-Commerce enterprises operating on tight margins.

Seamless Cross-Border Transactions: The borderless nature of cryptocurrencies streamlines international transactions, bypassing conventional currency conversion fees. This simplifies cross-border transactions, slashing costs while simplifying the process, which is a boon for both platforms and consumers engaged in global trade.

Consumer Privacy Priority: In a time when consumer data holds immense value, cryptocurrencies offer a private transaction method that minimizes the need for divulging extensive personal information. The inherent anonymity of blockchain transactions is a compelling aspect for privacy-conscious consumers.

Selecting the Right Cryptocurrency E-Commerce Gateway: A Comprehensive Guide

Choosing a cryptocurrency E-Commerce gateway is akin to shopping for a processor, and whether you're already running an online store or just embarking on your E-Commerce journey, there are key considerations to bear in mind.

Exploring Plugins: If your E-Commerce site is up and running, start by checking the available widgets for your preferred gateway. On the flip side, if you're new to the scene, use this opportunity to explore a range of options. Compare their advantages and disadvantages while assessing the transaction fees against the conventional credit card processing charges.

Critical Factors for Selection:

Transaction Fees: Analyze the transaction fees associated with different gateways. Compare these costs against the benefits they offer, such as enhanced security or faster processing times.

Payout Frequency: Evaluate how frequently the gateway provides payouts. Consider your cash flow needs and choose a gateway with a payout schedule that aligns with your business requirements.

Supported Countries and Currencies: Check if the gateway operates in the countries where your customers are based. Also, ensure it supports the currencies you intend to deal with, as this can have a significant impact on your customer base and expansion plans.

Customer Service: Quality customer service is invaluable. Opt for a gateway that offers responsive customer support to address any queries or issues promptly, ensuring a smooth transaction experience for your customers.

Volatility Protection: Given the potential volatility of cryptocurrencies, consider whether the gateway offers features like instant conversion to fiat currency upon receiving payments. This shields you from sudden market fluctuations and provides more stability in your financial operations.

Inqud's Approach

Inqud, a player in the fintech landscape, has taken the reins of crypto payment solutions with an innovative approach. Their user-centric widgets and APIs empower businesses to seamlessly 

integrate crypto payments into their platforms. The user-friendly widgets allow customers to conduct crypto transactions directly on websites or applications, all while retaining the familiarity of fiat values. Additionally, Inqud's solutions prioritize security, utilizing advanced encryption and fraud detection measures to safeguard transactions.


In conclusion, crypto payment solutions are catalyzing a transformation in the e-commerce arena. With benefits spanning reduced transaction fees, enhanced security, and global accessibility, cryptocurrencies are poised to become an integral part of the digital shopping experience. As businesses and consumers continue to embrace the potential of cryptocurrencies, the future of e-commerce looks increasingly decentralized, efficient, and inclusive.




API, card2crypto, Crypto widget


Fiat, Cryptocurrency, Payment methods, Fiat


Oliver Bennet

Cryptocurrency Payment Strategist

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